
  • One way Airport/Harbour/Train Station to Hotel El Palace Barcelona or Round Trip
  • Luxury car with professional driver
  • Up de 2 people

For your comfort and peace of mind Hotel El Palace Barcelona offers a private transfer from the airport, harbour or train station to the hotel with professional and efficient chauffeurs.

Vàlid per a

1 any

Termes i Condicions

📅 If there is an option to book this experience for a particular date (choosing on a calendar), your reservation for the selected date will be confirmed at the end of the purchase. You do not need to contact the hotel to confirm it.

🎁 If the calendar option doesn't appear or you want to buy an open-dated voucher as a gift or for personal use, this experience will be subject to availability and it will be necessary to contact the hotel to make the reservation. Contact details of the hotel will be provided once the purchase is completed.

Select variant
des de
150 €
Select variant

Com funciona?

Desde propostes gastronòmiques, spa i wellness fins a escapades romàntiques. Aquí pots trobar i comprar de la manera més rapida i senzilla les millors expèriencies i regals del món.

Quan compreu només cal seleccionar "COMPRA COM A REGAL" per triar el vostre disseny de bono i afegir un missatge regal.

Un cop finalitzi la compra, rebràs el bono al teu correu electrònic. Si és un regal, podreu enviar-lo al seu destinatari o imprimir-lo. No us preocupeu, el preu no es mostrarà.

Use your voucher whenever you want! Once you know your preferred date, simply contact the hotel to let them know your voucher number & confirm availability. Some of our experiences can be booked for a specific date too!